J-huhn Bahk

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dimanche 15 décembre 2013

The old habit

Une nouvelle série sur les croyances populaires et la foi dans la Corée actuelle

par J-huhn Bahk


samedi 23 novembre 2013

The old habit

A new series about folk belief and faith in Korea

par J-huhn Bahk


samedi 28 septembre 2013

The Distant Mountains

Sur une montagne ici, fixant une autre montagne lointaine là-bas, je comprends que le vide et le plein sont tous deux des fins vers lesquelles le mouvement du monde, le courant constant du changement se dirige. / On a mountain here, gazing at another mountain in the distant over there, I realize that emptiness and fullness are both ends where the world’s movement, the constant flow from change heads for.

par J-huhn Bahk


mardi 30 juillet 2013

Promised Land

Sometimes, house means family or home. And also it is connected with nostalgia. This is an element of house or becomes a house itself.

par J-huhn Bahk


dimanche 30 juin 2013

The Hours

I recall the faint metaphor which calls dried leaves left the stage of life the portrait of autumn. Soundless patience of trees standing in a glacial winter wind, fresh shouts of tiny buds stretching themselves in the air of spring, and dazzling green raising its arms up to reach for the sky are entirely contained in a fallen leaf. I would look at the delicate face of the leaf as facing a mirror and call in a low whisper the hours sleeping in the rear of memory.

par J-huhn Bahk
