dimanche 19 janvier 2014

Accueil > Les rubriques > Cerveau > Voids : some objects in the Park

Voids : some objects in the Park

, Ann Korzhova

Une immense pelouse dans un parc. Un geste incongru, celui de déposer sur cette herbe verte de petites pyramides de papier blanc. Ensuite, étudier les réactions des passants. La pelouse se tansforme en terrain de jeu où se joue la question du sens et des processus physiques et mentaux de l’attribution possible d’une signification.

Anna Korzhova - Voids some objects in the park from TK-21 on Vimeo.

For action "Voids : some objects in the Park" was chosen large empty lawn in front of the amphitheater. On the lawn space were placed "some object" - paper pyramid. Pyramid shape was chosen specifically : that the viewer could assume the existence of any meaning in the installation. In fact - this meaning is completely absent. paper pyramid were simply axis of lawn. Installation of a paper pyramid was standing - until it got dark, it has formed around itself the void.

Random viewers stopped review the installation, but for unknown reasons hesitated come close - go to the lawn.

At night, the installation has been removed. The next day the lawn where it was used for other purposes : picnics, badminton and so on."