mercredi 28 octobre 2015

Accueil > Les rubriques > Images > The Weaving of Time

The Weaving of Time

, Chong Jae-Kyoo 정 재규

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The act of weaving – which consists of repeating orthogonal intersections of the vertically cut-up photographic image and kraft paper cut up horizontally (cutting the other way is also possible) – is the process of perceiving both the projected and the actually occurring time in the work ; the time that passes as the world turns. It could be the same process linking the moment of a promise with that of its being carried out.

Images : Thomas Baronnet et Thibaut Tavernier, Film editing : Thomas Baronnet et Lucien Giraud

Weaving the photographic image with kraft paper, a tangible object, is the action that enacts the repeated intersections of a trace of the past and the real object of the present. At the same time, it consummates the intersection between the photographic space, which is the present of the past, and the space of the future in the present. Over the entire woven surface, the photographic image, as a trace of the past, frees itself from its fixedness just as the real kraft paper wrests itself from its materiality. Likewise, the forms painted on the kraft paper with brushstrokes emerge from the background.

Faced with this state of freedom achieved after the photographic act itself, I find myself experiencing a sense of freedom, the very feeling a climber has upon reaching the summit of a mountain.

Weaving towards an event which only occurs in the space of the completed future…

Chong Jae-Kyoo, « Man Ray/ Marcel Duchamp »
72.3x78.5x2.8cm, photo/bois, découpage, 2011

Voir en ligne : New Chong Jae Kyoo website

15 October 2003
(translated from the French by Cathy Lenihan)